Indigenous Climate Action

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"Climate Crisis, Fragmentation & Collective Trauma" discussion with Eriel Deranger, Bayo Akomolafe, Angaangaq Angakkorsuaw and Gabor Mate

Last year I was honoured to join Dr. Gabor Maté for part 2 of Talks on Trauma series and The Wisdom of Trauma film broadcast, featuring 17 new in-depth conversations with 30+ guest speakers, trauma experts, MDs, authors, visionaries and artists.

I was so blessed to have been a part of the "Climate Crisis, Fragmentation & Collective Trauma" discussion alongside Bayo Akomolafe, Angaangaq Angakkorsuaw and Gabor Mate as we exploring how trauma relates to the climate crisis and Indigenous rights, culture and spirituality. This conversation was one of that left me full and was part of the bigger of event of speakers and the

Healing, and Healing Justice is such an important aspect of Climate Justice and they have become inalienable. It’s critical that we don’t degrade the climate crisis to a mathematical equation to be solved with analytical science. We must recognize the trauma and the healing necessary for us to move forward in a way that doesn’t replicate systems of harm.

The full video is now available for the public to watch and I thought was a great opportunity to share this event with you all. Watch below: