WATCH | COP is a FLOP! North American Frontline Groups Report on Lack of Progress at COP28

Tom B.K. Goldtooth is a member of the Navajo Nation and has been Executive Director of the Indigenous Environmental Network since 1996. As an activist, filmmaker, and speaker, Goldtooth has used his voice to urge politicians, businesses, and others to prioritize Indigenous rights and pursue economic and environmental justice.

Eriel Tchekwie Deranger is a Dënesųłiné mother from the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation (ACFN) and the Executive Director and co-founder of Indigenous Climate Action (ICA), an Indigenous-led climate justice organization in so-called Canada. Deranger’s work focuses on Indigenous rights and building intersectional dialogue between Indigenous rights, climate justice and other social justice movements.

Cheryl Kwapong is a dynamic force hailing from Atlanta, Georgia, with roots originally from Ghana, West Africa. Her life’s journey has been fueled by a deeply ingrained personal mission statement: to help advance the global Black population in every way possible. Kwapong is part of The Chisholm Legacy Project, which serves as a vehicle to connect Black communities on the frontlines of climate justice with resources to traverse the path from vision to strategy to action plan to implementation to transformation.


ICAatCOP28 Week 2 Round-up


WATCH | The Dangers of 'Abatement': The Dirty Truth About Carbon Capture